did i do something wrong?

okay so i've been talking to this guy and we were going to go to prom together (we are in high school) and yesterday there was a bonfire so he went. i told him i was going to try and go, but i had volleyball games so i never got the chance to. when i got home, he was so mad because i didnt text him even though i explained to him i had volleyball. not only that, he thought i was somewhere else and didnt believe me that i was actually at volleyball. he went off on me and everything so i didnt know what to do because i had an overall bad day but i didnt wanna take it out on him so i let him say alot of things to me. then, one of my friends sent me pictures/videos of him being with other girls and pretty much acting like he was single. i asked him about it, and he said it was my fault for not going to the party. overall, he was just going off on me and i was trying to stay calm. then he says, i dont want to be in a relationship with you until after prom so we can get to know each other better and i was already in a bad mood so i said "why now?" because this entire month hes been talking about going to prom just to get in my pants but i've been telling him i didnt wanna do that. so i felt odd for him to just suddenly want to take things slow. he started disrespecting me and i said "if you aren't going to respect me or anything that i say, then bye. he replied with "✌️✌️" and that was the end of it. is it bad that i cried so much last night about this? is it my mistake? did i do something wrong?? i have no clue what to do and he hasnt made an effort to talk to me at school and prom is tomorrow!!! should i try talking to him???