Arisbeidy Novali was born at 38 +3 she was delivered by emergency c-section.


Arisbeidy Novali was born at 38 +3 she was delivered by emergency section.

10/06/2017 👶🏼7lbs 3oz 20 inches long. Happy birthday my precious.

I went to bed around 10 pm on 10/5/17 and she was moving a lot a lay down on my left side and I felt a pop and I started feeling water coming out, I got up and tons of water came running down my legs. Woke up husband, we got our older kids up and we headed to the hospital. We got there around 10:35 and I knew my baby was a complete breech but I still had faith that maybe she turned, but nope so they still checked me and I was 6 centimeter dilated and fully effaced and the doctor was feeling her legs so they rushed me to the OR, they got me ready and they delay the section just a bit cause one nurse couldn’t find my vain for the IV. But everything turned out great she was born at 12:03 am on 10/06/2017 she latched right away when I got to recovery.