Buying baby laundry detergent


So I am on the border of buying special laundry soap for him or using our laundry soap. This is my 4th child and I will explain why I am on the border. With my first I was a teen mom meaning I went to school came home did homework. and fed my daught then went to work came home and put her to bed. So I would give my whole check to my parents to buy stuff and help with bills and such. They bought the baby soap up until she was 1 then we switched to the regular. My 2nd I bought a big hug of the soap and then when it ran out I switched to ours and then our 3rd I washed her stuff once in baby soap and switched. I am really debating on if its 100% necessary. I mean obviously if I get him in these clothes and he breaks out then I will go to the clear soap but none of my others have had a problem with it. idk that just shows you no matter how many kids you have you'll never have all the answers. ughh