Is he going to propose?


I know none of you are psychics but I don't know if I'm reading this correctly.

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. 6 months ago I moved across the country so that we can live together (from California to North Carolina). Before that it was long distance and lots of traveling.

When we first moved in together we fought quite a bit because we weren't used to being together all the time. But that has gotten a lot better.

We were both married before. I'm 30, he's 31.

He knows I really want to get married again and have kids. But every time I bring it up he tells me not to talk about it and says that a proposal is not romantic when you discuss everything beforehand. A friend of mine had her mother orchestrate her proposal and my bf thinks that's the worst way ever to do it.

Is he a really planning to propose or is he telling me not to talk about it because he doesn't want to marry me?

His divorce was really messy and I'm afraid he may not ever want to get married again.