Help! My period is going to be the end of me! 😩


Every month my period symptoms become more and more severe. This month my cramps are so bad that I've had to piggyback pain meds to take the edge off enough to get through work, and it still hurts so much that is causing abdominal pain and nausea. I don't like taking pain medications in general, but having to take this many is down right concerning for me.

My moms side of the family has a long running history of female reproductive health issues and I'm going to speak with my doctor about some tests to see if it could be a cyst, PCOS, endometriosis, PMDD or what. I stopped taking birth control because I'm TTC so I no longer have that to rely on for reigning in the cramps. I used to smoke a little bit of marijuana to help with my pms symptoms, but between being TTC and my job, I can't smoke.

Does anyone living with theses diagnoses experience the same? If so what do you do for relief?