Game face on


So today is my Brother in Law's wedding day. Usually I title it as 'Sister in Law' because I'm in the bridal party. It's my husband's Brother and his Wife-to-be.

I'm so excited except today is a game face day. I have woken up and as per usual I'm throwing up. Gotta hope this stops soon so I can go join the bridal party at her mum's house and go through the day unnoticed.

My mum will be at the wedding along with my Mother in Law (course, it's her son) and both of them have pregnancy radars that are off the hook good. My mum already knows (not officially - 'have you got anything you wanna tell me?' after picking up a buncha symptoms) but MIL hasn't yet. MIL will also have no problem blurting out 'ARE YOU PREGNANT?' across the wedding.

The whole reason I haven't wanted to say anything is because of this wedding. I don't want to steal their thunder. I'm 7+6 right now, at 8+6 were getting a scan done and 9 weeks exactly (next Sunday) is my birthday so we're telling the parents then.

Hoping you keep a lid of this all day.

Wish me luck!

I love weddings!