Dear B

I wish I knew how to tell you all this in person, but I'm honestly scared to.

I am so deeply in love with you, I don't have the words. Over the past two years, these last few months especially, you've made me happier than I ever have been. Every moment with you makes me so happy.

In so many ways you make me feel like a complete person. I can talk to you about anything without judgement and know I will get good input.

Sexually, I never thought I'd find another person who just fit me so perfectly. The fact we don't need to have sex to be as intimate as we are means so much. I don't feel like I need to prove myself to you. I love the fact that we can do other kinky and intimate things and it's enough. Everything we do is so much fun. If we could do it every day, it would be amazing.

Overall, I love you. I love you more than anyone. I wish I could be with you every day. I wish we could spend the rest of our lives together. You make me so happy. Just being with you feels right.

I hope one day soon, I'll be able to tell you all this without fear.

I love you, B ❤