Am I over exaggerating??

Today I was in my power technology class (grade 9)

And I was helping two of my friends finding the right wood for our C02 cars. Guy friends. Well, while I went into this secluded area through the doors into the back (to find wood and check it out cause I've never been in there)

my one friend followed me and we were joking around and I was leaning against the shelves, he was leaning really close to me....very very close. So close we were touching and his head started to move to my face so that I eventually was kinda looking downwards. I think he was trying to kiss me?? Well that's what I thought at the moment so I kinda moved my head to the left (opposite his face) and my feet to walk around him. Then he wouldn't let me go past (jokingly) because I didn't answer him or something ( he was talking the whole time he did this but my adrenaline was so up that I couldn't really hear him. So I think he asked a question and I had just said "I dunno")

We've only been hanging out in one class for about a week maybe, and he keeps telling me "oh your so chill I thought you were a real nerd last year"

Anyways he makes a lot of dick jokes, so I do too (we all know that high schoolers do this come on.... how can you not when your car design is aerodynamic... and looks like a 9inch dick... lol)

But I'm not sure if I was giving off signals of flirting?? Now that I look back on it I probably was.

But do you think he was trying to kiss me ? Am I over reacting....?

Afterwards we carried on the same but he was quite distant. not really talking a lot to me.

Wow. Thanks to anyone who actually finishes this unnecessarily long post haha.