How To Ask a guy...


I've been talking to a guy in one of my college classes for a few weeks now and I'm starting to catch the feelings. He makes me laugh, tickles me a lot, compliments my appearance (he even complimented my freckles, which are starting to fade with less sunlight). I think he likes me too because honestly I don't know many guys who behave this way with girls they almost just met. He also doesn't act this way around other girls. I even told him that I have depression and anxiety (I don't normally tell people that unless they've been a part of my life for a while) and he did something that nobody else has done. He freaking hugged me! He hugged me and didn't look awkward or nervous because of my problems. Anyways he casually asked about my love life, lack of love life might I add, so I told him a generalization of it. That I've had crushes, but that was it, the feeling was never returned. I asked him and he remain aloof, just saying that he's still a virgin and hasn't had his first kiss. I find this hard to believe since he is so good looking, smart, humorous, kind, etc. but know it could be a personal choice. Maybe he has had the same luck with girls as I do with guys. Anyways I've been thinking about ways to ask him out, since I usually am really confident around him (it's almost like I become a different person around him and all my fears go away). Should I wait a few more weeks to see how our friendship progresses or go for it now? And how would I go about asking him out?