Hell but so worth it. πŸ’™

Britinii β€’ Boy mom. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ Our 3rd boy due Nov.

I have read every birth story on here patiently waiting to tell mine! Little did I know mine wasn't going to be as fast and easy as we all thought and complications happened that we didn't expect.

Got induced at 38 weeks +3 days. Was stuck at 5cm with regular contractions and no progress. Started pit. Epidural came. Took 4x to get it right. I literally cried and almost said never mind because of the pain and thought of being paralyzed. Dr came and broke my water and upped pitocin. Finally came time to push. Was doing awesome until his head was crowning. His head was stuck so I was pushing with everything with me. He wasn't budging so a nurse jumped on top of my stomach and started pushing and my Dr was pulling on him along with 5 other nurses and my Dr screaming for someone else to come. Here I am pushing as hard as possible not giving up cuz I know something is wrong and I'm determined to get him out. They are pushing and pulling and he finally comes out and is purple. I literally thought the cord was wrapped around his neck and he couldn't breathe for too long. He wasn't crying until they took him away for a minute and suctioned him and rubbed him all over. I'm hysterical. Dr tells me he's fine and his shoulders could be dislocated or something and t

old me his head got stuck, then his shoulders, then his stomach. Lol. His shoulders are fine so far btw. He got stuck because he was 9lbs 3.4oz and I'm a very small petite person. Thank you Lord I didn't go another week and my baby boy is doing wonderful. Latching like he's been BF for months πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™