My husband is out with friend at least 5 nights a week

We've been married three years and have two little kids. We have a good relationship and he always tells me how much he loves me etc. But. He's out at least 5 times a week with friends. He usually calls me during work and whenever I ask what he's doing he ALWAYS says he won't be home right after work because he's going over his friend Johns house. The only time he will be home is if john's wife wants a date night or on Thursdays when John goes to his bowling club and my husband isn't invited. I've talked to him about how sad this makes memory times than I can count and he always says if I had my way he would be at home 24/7 and calls me unbearable if I bring it up. He's also insinuated that if I talk about it or nag him about it anymore he's going to walk out on our marriage. Tonight he called me and said he would be home right after work. He's now been off work for two hours and he's still not home (we live ten minutes from his work) and he hasn't called or texted or anything to let me know where he is. He has this illusion that all married men should be allowed out over to their friends house constantly. I've never met his friends wife but I can only imagine she thinks it's weird how often he goes over there. We moved here a year ago and since I'm a SAHM I haven't had a chance to make friends here and everyone I know loves hours and hours away. What do I do here ladies? Talking to him hasn't worked and now he knows that threatening to leave has worked he goes out EVEN MORE because he knows I won't say anything. He expects me to be at home all the time cleaning and taking care of the kids and calls me a "shitty housewife" almost weekly if the house isn't up to his standard when he decides to come home. I'm just in such a pickle and have no idea how to move forward. My sister says this is emotional abuse but I'm not sure. I could really use some support.