Honestly doesn't support me

So first he's a great guy super nice and all but I can't get over how he acts to me. We've been dating awhile and I figured that maybe he was just acting weird since he didn't know how to act. But legit everytime something great happens to me he's just like that's good whatever. He honestly doesn't get excited or proude of me or support me. I don't need him to have a party everytime something good happens to me but seriously he acts like its nothing. Here's a few examples of this year I got into my dream college, I had all my classes transfer so I will graduate a year early, I got an interview at my top graduate school (totally unexpected and he knew the chance was soo slim), just got a great internship. All of these huge things that mean so much to me cause I work so hard and just rolled off him. I've seen him talk to his family and brag about how much I do but why can't he act proud of me in front of me! I honestly feel like he's no support to me at all. The reason he may be like this is cause he's jealous but still he's not working as hard as I am and he knows that. I just feel like everytime something good happens to me he ruins my happiness but not sharing in my excitement. Idk if anyone has felt like this but honestly it really hurts. I'm always so proud and support to him when he's having a bad or good day and it sucks that I don't get the same. If I bring this up he argues and says he's proud/happy but I truly don't believe it at all. He shouldn't say it he should act it. How do I handle like I said he respects and let's me do what I need to do for my future but still