How do you feel about bitchy customers?

So I'm currently at Wendy's. It's busy and they're understaffed so even though it's "fast food" there's a wait that they can't help. I sit down while my husband waits in line. There's a man a woman and their little girl sitting across me talking loudly. The woman is saying "wow, now we know to never ever come here again, we had to wait 8 minutes for a cheese burger" "they need to apologize for ruining our night" she just kept saying comments like that real loud and bitchy. And they didn't just have a cheese burger either btw. So they get done eating and don't even dump their food they literally left it all. I could understand if the place wasn't busy and it took forever or if they got the order completely wrong or something or even if they were in a hurry but it's not a school night, they were eating inside, and in comfy clothes didn't appear they had anywhere to be. Idk maybe I'm hormonal but I just thought it was rude as hell.

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