coming out to my boyfriend.....

okay so this may sound insanely stupid but it’s sort of a big deal. i’m out to all of my friends. they didn’t think it was a big deal. they said they had always sorta known anyways so it wasn’t a big surprise. i recently started dating my boyfriend at the end of august and i’m contemplating whether or not i should even come out to him. honestly i didn’t see a point at first because i’m with him. i’m with a guy so it’s a heterosexual relationship. my friends have been pushing me to tell him though because in their minds it’s something that they would want to know. it makes sense to me as to why they’re pushing me to tell him but i don’t know if i want to entirely. i was raised in church and my christian values have always been important to me. it took me years to even recognize that i was pansexual because i didn’t wanna admit it. i didn’t wanna admit that i would be constantly sining every single second of every single day. i hated the thought of it. now that i’m older and a bit more mature i’ve come to realize that i am who i am. no one can change my sexuality because it’s part of who i am. my boyfriend was also raised in a church. i just don’t want him to see me the way i saw myself when i first realized i liked girls. please just anyone who had any advice. let me know what you would do or what you think i should do. also.... the poll.... do y’all think it going to hurt our relationship if i go on not telling him?

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