Boyfriend dumped me over text

My boyfriend of 6 months dumped me over text. It got very serious fast and I lost my virginity to him. 2 days before he broke up with me he initiated sex, and then when he dumped me said he had been thinking about it for a few days. His friends say that he was using me all along and was still in love with his ex girlfriend who was crazy. Not just saying that. She had someone try to run him over and almost killed his little brother. Thing is it makes sense. The whole time we were dating his old Instagram was full of his ex and he refused to delete it even though he knew it made me insecure. Also her boyfriend dumped her the same night he dumped me. I don't know if his reason was he was "confused and needed space" or this. He was acting perfectly normal even earlier that day. And now he's refusing to talk to me. Idk what to do. Any advice?