Best day of my life ❤️ BIRTH STORY

Kaylea • 10.22.16 💍 10.04.17 💙 05.29.19 💙

Finally getting around to typing this up while my little one is breastfeeding lol

My son, Elijah Lee Kultgen, entered the world at 10:14 am on October 4 via c-section. He weighed 9 lbs 8 oz and measured 20 3/4 in!

We arrived at the hospital at 7 am to begin blood work and prepare for surgery, but we got pushed back about an hour due to two emergency c-sections (poor babies, hope their okay!). I was so terrified to go back to the operating room: getting the epidural, being cut open, not feeling anything from the chest down...there were a lot of things that scared me. But having my wonderful husband by my side the entire time made me feel reassured that our son was going to be just fine. He held my hand and told me "I love you" and "you're doing great, honey" over and over because all I could do was stare at him. 😅 We were pretty surprised how fast it went; within twelve minutes, the doctors pulled him out and said "oh he's got a nice round head and big belly!" 😂 Unexpectedly, I had a large cyst on my right ovary, but thankfully it was benign and my doctor was able to remove it with ease. They didn't need to staple my incision either, so my sutures will hopefully dissolve within the next few weeks. 👍🏻 The second they announced his weight, my husband and I just looked at each other and laughed! I didn't think he would actually weigh the estimated amount we assumed just two weeks ago! But he is perfect and everything I imagined him to be: he has his father's nose and lips, two very strong traits in his family. 😅

Every time I look at him, I think "how did I ever live a single day without him?" ❤️ He's everything I've ever wanted, and everything I've prayed for. I can't believe I was blessed with the privilege of being his mother. This whole experience has been absolutely surreal! And I can't wait to do it all over again. 😊