Did I get the job or no? Read below

I did a phone interview earlier this week and it was amazing, then had an in person interview two days after and that went well, he got the HR manager to schedule me in as soon as possible. Yesterday I interviewed with the HR manager and he wasn't as smiley and buddy buddy as the last people but he did nod his head, asked me all the questions on the sheet, wrote all my responses down, did smile a few times at my answers but also kept a straight face during some. He did tell me I asked good questions and before he asked if I have any questions he said I'll hear back by next week so Friday and if I don't get it I'll get an email and if I do I'll get a call. This position is for entry level and they're all very chill there in the environment. Based off his next week response does that mean a no or what? My mouth got so dry but I tried my best. I'm only anxious cause the guy before that interview told me if I get it I'll sign papers, or they'll hold onto my resume, or I won't get an offer and I was assuming I'd hear right that day if I got it

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