Need advice!


Ok so my husband has a poodle chihuahua mix that he had before we were married. She is one of the meanest little dogs I have ever met. She has bit me 3 times. And I mean hard.. and bit our 3 year old 3 times. Every time I try to have a conversation about maybe rehoming her with someone who doesn’t have kids he flips out. I mean FLIPS out. I know he loves this dog but jeez she is a demon dog. Well to make it worse I found out from a friend that he had gotten this dog with his ex wife. (He never told me this) So I am extra hurt that maybe the dog is the last thing he is holding onto from his previous marriage.

I would have no issue with the dog if she was nice. Even a little bit nice. She has really good behavior when he is around but he works out of town a lot and as soon as he leaves me, our 3 year old, and German Shepherd hide in our bedroom bc the dog flips. I have gotten video of it and he finds a way to justify it. HELP!! I am at a loss on what to do. I feel like this little dog is running my life. And it’s not fair! I know this may seem so stupid but it’s a real problem and I don’t just have some strange vendetta against the dog she is just MEAN! I have tried every approach to try to reason with him with no success 😩😩