Second hidden line in walmart cheapie

Okay so I want opinions. I am FULLY AWARE THAT IF YOU TAKE APART A TEST ITS INVALID. I took a walmart cheapie and saw it was negative (which I figured because it's probably too early) so out of curiosity I pulled it apart to see what kind of test strip was on the inside. When I did that it revealed a second line other than the control line, but it wouldn't have been visible because it was covered up by the plastic. Anyone ever had this happen? What causes it?

(Also, all the walmart cheapies are is a test strip inside plastic for convenience instead of trying to pee on it or dip it. These are technically not invalid when you remove the plastic because all it is is a test strip you can buy online in a pack but conveniently put in useless plastic. The only ones that are actually invalid when you pull apart are digitals, but I don't want to argue with anyone so I'm still going to say for arguments sake that it's invalid.)