Castor oil experiences?? UPDATE!! 2nd is born!


Please no judgement here!! I made the decision to give it a go after some extended research by both myself and my husband who both work in the medical field.

Took 1tbsp mixed with pineapple orange juice, really wasn’t too awful! Drank at 4:50pm and so far I feel pretty normal. Wondering what some other mommas have experienced in the past?

I took another tbsp after 3 hours and started contracting...went to L&D; only to be sent home. Contractions had slowed down and eased up quite a bit. Dozed off for about 5 minutes only to wake up to the worst pain of my life. Woke up the hubby, we started timing them and they were about 2 minutes long and 4 apart. I threw up and decided to come back around 3am and was 4cm and immediately admitted me. Got the epidural around 6:30am and feeling much better just waiting for my boy!

So the verdict is....YES castor oil works and I didn’t die and still haven’t had diarrhea or a bowel movement at all. Took about 8 hours to send me into active labor!

Baby Malakai was born at 6:47pm last night. I’d say it definitely worked for me!