Shes here! πŸ’•


After a 29 hour labor my little french fri is here πŸ’™ all the pain was forgotten after i first seen her πŸ‘€ , *labor story* i went to a doctors appointment on friday 39 weeks and 5 days and my doctor checked me and i was 4 almost 5 cm dilated 100 effected and she sent me to the hospital for a NST and they ended up keeping me , the gave me pitocin to speed up the process with contracts and 9:00 in the morning doctor came in and broke my water and at that point my pitocin was at 20 and as soon as she broke my water i couldnt take the pain no more i lasted an hour before my husband looked at me and said im called the nurse for you to get your epidural and i cried because i wanted to try and go natural so bad at around 4/5 in the afternoon i was finally 10 cm dilated and we, started to push , baby was not having my contracts actually had slowed down and she was facing head down but up towards the sky and my cervix was so swollen from trying to push not to mention at 26 weeks of my pregnancy my cervix had thinned out to a slice of white lined paper and was put on medication to keep it closed finally after pushing for 3 hours they had told me i needed a C section and at 9:36 pm on october 7th my little fatty london lisa lopez came into the world at 8 pounds 5.5 ounces and 21 inches long with a full head of curly hair , all the pain was worth it and i couldnt be more blessed