37 & 3 and no end in sight...


Here comes a long story!

At my 35 week appointment I was dilated to 3cm and 50% effaced and baby girls head was really low. Dr said she wouldn't be surprised if I went into labor within the next 2 weeks.

Fast forward to this past Tuesday (10/3) I was having severely painful contractions every 2-3 minutes, but since I was still 36weeks the on call doctor gave me a shot of terb and the contractions stopped... however, I was dilated to a 6 (unsure how effaced).

Today (10/8) I am still extremely pregnant and I see no end in sight to this pregnancy. I've tried it all! Walking, yoga ball exercises, sex, warm baths.. you name it. Ever since that shot of terb I haven't had any regular contractions and nothing seems to be helping. My feet and ankles are extremely swollen at this point, I've started having mucousy clots of discharge (mucous plug?) almost constantly! I waddle everywhere I go because I feel like baby girl will just fall out. My doctors SWORE I would go into labor this weekend, she seems very shocked I've even made it this far.

Has anyone ever experienced this? I'm afraid already being dilated to a 6 that I won't make it to the hospital when labor does start.. but at this point I'm beginning to wonder if it even will! Any suggestions or insight?