I just can't drop any weight!

Caitlyn • Ckreklewich♡

I'm trying to shed some inches but can't seem to. I'm eating healthy and wprking out everyday at the gym. No change. before health problems and pregnancy I was 160lbs l. My health problem caused me to hit 180. Now at 19 weeks I'm 190.. way too much. I'm not even indulging in my cravings. It's got me so down :( all everyone keeps saying is wow you've gained weight. with my reply of yeah I'm aware. To their response of oh well you're pregnant. THAT'S NO FUCKING EXCUSE. Before anyone gives hate saying (you're pregnant you can't lose weight yada yada) you can tighten up while toning and it can help you lose weight healthily but it's just not happening and I don't know why. If I seriously hit 200lbs I don't know what I'll do. I need some help from other mommas who have gone through this and found what to do. please...anyone?