I still feel trapped in this situation and it's pissing me off.


I just want him to go far far away. He's done nothing for this church except make everyone angry. And I feel like I'm being forced to deal with him week after week. I would go find another church or stop going, but it's not that easy. The only reason I still go is because it makes my grandma happy. And I doubt she'd be willing to go to a different church.

But I shouldn't have to be the one that leaves. We've been here for years and everything was wonderful before he came along. Now I notice even in my family, everything revolves around him and it's infuriating. My grandma is still kind of pressuring me into being with him, but I heard him say all he wants to do is get married and pop out kids. And honestly I'd rather die than rush into that right now. I'm not going from being on a short leash with my family to being under his thumb the rest of my life. I've got to live a little before I sign my life away to some big mediocre asshole like him. I'm just stuck here. Finding another church just isn't an option right now.