TTC Buddy wanted

Lauren • First timer TTC. Please feel free to message me!! All up for making friends and helping other ladies out where I can!❤️

Hello lovely ladies!

I would absolutely love a TTC friend! Non of my friends are TTC or even in that position in their lives, so I feel very “alone” with the whole process! I need a girl to share everything with, to cry with and to laugh with and most of all to share this journey with! (Don’t get me wrong my boyfriend is amazing, but sometimes you just need some girl love right?!) I’ll write a little about myself😊

My names Lauren, I’m 21 years old and I’m from the UK. I have my own house with my boyfriend and our cat and dog, we both work full time. This is our first time TTC and will be our first child. My AF is due on/around the 21st October..

Wanting to connect with and talk to ladies on similar circumstances to me and of a similar age! So yeah, please don’t be shy, I’m the most approachable person ever!!

Magic baby dust wishes to you all ladies!!👣🤰🏽🍼🤗❤️