Exhausting sex life rant

I know most won't believe me, but my husband can't masturbate. He's never been able to. I've always wanted him to go see a sex therapist, but he won't. I have a low sex drive and I'm exhausted.

I'm also four weeks postpartum so we can't have intercourse. That leaves hand jobs and blow jobs only and he takes forever to cum. I don't mind either of those jobs as foreplay, but I like to finish with intercourse. But now I can't.

While I have a very low sex drive, he has an extremely high one. He's constantly complaining about having blue balls and he gets so cranky and depressed if he doesn't get some release.

This is so hard on both of us, but honestly I am sick and tired of basically being responsible for his sex life bc he can't do it himself. I have two kids and severe postpartum depression. Then on top of that I have to deal with pleasing him all the time.

I don't know if this is a rant or asking advice. But has anyone ever had to deal with this and how did you do it?