baby sleeps here?!Pillows? blankets?

Ashley • 👣SAHM🍼﹏∞wife∞﹏🍷Italian﹏Pisces♓ ﹏🌴BeachBum 🌊﹏

**What should I do?!Not sure about baby sleepin right THERE!**

I am watching my younger sisters baby tonight, over night, at her house. he's 6.5 months old. (6 weeks older than my son so I brought my little guy along)

she called to check in so I told her I was setting up the pack n play in my nephews nursery, so Liam could sleep in that, while my nephews in his crib and that I was getting ready to get them bathed and to bed.

she said she already made up her babies bed. -on her bed, that they been bed sharing recently.

she told me when he gets tired to lay down with him and he'd go to sleep.

she wants him sleeping on the bed, in his "spot"blanket.

aka- that area there with the blue baby blanket, by the green pillow.

she sleeps on the other side.

problem one : im not sleeping there all night, or I didn't plan to anyhow.

problem two : im not so sure about the green pillow, or any of them! I could just move the pillows, and the blankets, but, she said he likes them and theyre positioned in case he rolls.

So, as his aunt, and not his mom, I want to follow his Mothers directions, BUT, I'm nervous as hell!!

I thought a baby should be one yr old before ANYTHING is in the baby's bed area.

she said he can roll both ways and therefore it's okay.

I could either let him sleep there, on the bed, and stay up all night, watching him and the monitor screen, bc Im going to be too nervous to sleep. or, put him in his crib, where APPARENTLY, he's refusing to sleep.

both options sound sleepless. and I'm exhausted.

right now its almost 7pm, AKA- bedtime m and Idk where this kids gonna sleep.

what would you do? follow mom's direction (aka: your sibling)or put baby in safer area, his crib?

obviously he'll be cranky tomorrow if he won't sleep well tonight, and ill get the Blame I'm sure. (for not the listening to her tonight)

I wish this was discussed before she left. I just assumed he'd be in his crib!

am I overly nervous? over reacting? or does this sleeping area look okay for a 6.5 month old?

I co sleep at times with Liam. but, this looks "too comfy " for a baby.

yay. it's almost bedtime and who knows where this little dudes gonna sleep.

*posting in my April group AND march, bc of the difference in ages)

thanks mamas for your opinions.

sweet dreams!!!