My husband never ceases to surprise me

I have been feeling really down and crying all day bc of the fact that I feel like I am such a loser.

My husband kept asking what's wrong what's wrong and I tried to blame it on period hormones but by the end of the day I finally needed to vent.

Background: we haven't told our family we are TTC incase we would need to update them with bad news every month. My mother in law today gave us a little baby hat with an teddy bear on it, and she said it was for good luck and I think that was the cherry on the cake here.

I just started bawling and I told him that I feel like such a loser bc I haven't been able to start a family for us yet and we've been TTC for 9 months. I said I feel like I am good for nothing at the moment.... I am putting off going back to school (half way thru college) so we can start a family and I can't even do that, so not only am I not furthering my education but I don't even feel like a woman. And I told him I work around successful people at the hospital everyday like doctors and surgeons and I'm over here trying to start a family before I follow my dreams. (Bc being a mother is my number one dream).

My husband told me education isn't the only thing that make a person successful, it's your relationship with your significant other, how you make other people feel, what type of energy you put out in the world, your priorities and your believes, what type of wife you are, your relationship with your family and friends, and also just trying at what you want. And he told me as long as we are trying to start a family we are as successful as anyone else and it will happen for us.

Then he came up behind me while I was still crying and wrapped his arms around me, kissed my head and said "and how can you be a loser when your the woman of my dreams, it just doesn't make any sense."

After that all of my sorrows went away and I fell even more in love with my husband than I was before, if that was even possible. 😢😕😏☺️😍❤️