Husbands lack of empathy


Anyone elses husbands totally not empathetic or helpful this pregnancy ? I am really getting fed up with his lack of help or care regarding my physical limitations and challenges right now. I update him on my current symptoms; back pain, tightness in my stomach, pelvic pain etc and he just plays it off like it's no big deal. On top of that, He often complains about the house not being cleaned and tidied up (we have a 2 year old, toys are often everywhere) but I'm also 7 months pregnant! Give me a break! He'll clean house on days he's off and while I'm at work but will complain and make comments like "I have to take care of the outside of the house and inside" I treat his comments like treating a toddler with a tantrum and don't feed into it. Me commenting back by saying Anything only adds fuel to the fire.

I do have to mention that he was a tremendous help when my first was born. He took on the responsibility of caring for his son just as much as I have and I know he will do the same for the second one on the way, just the lack of care for pregnancy is frustrating and discouraging. Anyone else going through this with their husband or significant other this pregnancy? How do you deal?