Don’t know what to do

My boyfriends Mum tried to od. Literally walked into his room said “I tried to od last night, now I’m relaxing and pampering myself because I’m ready to die”

He’s 19. He’s a fucking child. A child.

She didn’t tell her husband. She didn’t call a professional to get help.

She put that on her son.

Who then had to go into her room and take the pills out of her hand. To which she promised never to again. But he turned around and she tried to swallow a bunch.

I’ve had a Mum have a mental break down. I know how it feels to be the child in that situation.

But I was 13. He’s 19. I honestly don’t really know how to be there for me him right now.

She’s in the hospital and is literally blaming him and his dad for this

Which I think is fucking stupid. She’s the adult. She would have had to known she was going down hill months ago and should have seen a professional

Not leave it until trying to kill her self and telling her child that.

I really try hard to sympathise. But how dare a mother,a fully grown adult, put that on her own child.

Who is never going to forget that now