Has anyone else had alcoholism tear apart a marriage?

We met at a party school. Back then drinking was all fun and games. Then we moved back to his home city and I got extremely depressed and we both drank constantly.

Fast forward a few years, and I've stopped drinking save for special occasions. I want to lose some of this weight, I was sick of going into work hungover, I didn't want to feel tired and crappy.

But he continues to drink. On nights we agree on no alcohol, he constantly brings up beer and how good it tastes. My thing is, I genuinely like the taste of beer but I have no problem quitting. I've had my fun when we were younger and I'm just done drinking.

Well let's just say, alcoholism runs in his family badly.

We get into the worst fights you can imagine when we're drunk. We say the most horrible things to each other. He's put his hands around my neck, he's broken my stuff, he's hit the bed and the couch with his fists. That's another reason I stopped drinking; if I'm sober I'm able to stay in control of my emotions and not escalate these fights.

I guess I just needed to rant. I love this man. I want to start TTC a family and a future. But he won't stop drinking.

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