need some expert advice

So another advice is that I've just got to 25 years and so is my husband. The thing is that we're so close and comfortable with eachother that we share everything. There are thingy with me that I'm stress without any reason and I'm so fucking lazy.
I can't control my sadness out of nowhere it come. Everything is so perfect and good and I can't find that where's the hole that making me cold.
All the problem is that we both wants to start a family but it's not a good time. Let me tell you that we've got married 18 months ago and for 11 months we had a distance relationship like right after 2 weeks of marriage he come back here (UK) his own country. And now it's been 9 months that I'm here and we both have started our new jobs that we need at least 1 year to start a family. As he wanted to Buy a house before hand and at the Same time wants to start the family. But the thing is I want the same to establish first but i dunno what's wrong with me that I don't want to wait...!!!