Any one experience this after a mc?


I had a missed miscarriage on the 4th of Sept @ 6weeks. i didnt start bleeding until the 9th and blood test confirmed it. within a week my levels were at 0 and symptoms (except strong sense of smell) had all gone. On Sept 19 my symptoms started all over again. I had a weird orange-brownish jelly like texture discharge. daily I feel like my symptoms are getting stronger. Nothing tastes right, every smell makes me want to puke and now I have light green to milky discharge coming out of my nipples amoung others. i feel like its so impossible but has anyone else gotten pregnant during a missed miscarriage? we werent TTC, and have only had anal sex since when i started bleeding on sept 9th. ive tested all negative but period isnt due for a couple more days? has anyone had this happen after a miscarriage and not end up pregnant? im looking for experiences