30 weeks preggo 🤰🏼🤰🏼🤰🏼


Ok so

My hips feel like they are going to dislocate from my body

It takes me a good 2-3 minutes to turn over in bed and get up to pee which is about 500 times a night

I feel like my little Miss is either kicking or punching her way through my vag

The heartburn/acid reflux is UNREAL like my life the last couple of days I have been living on Rennies

I always think I'm starving and then when I cook a meal I can only eat like a quarter ... if am lucky

I have no cravings whatsoever like come on that's supposed to be the best bit!!

Tired constantly and always want to take a nap ..

My boobs leak some sort of substance don't think it's milk but whatever it is it just comes splashing out as and when it please .. cheers!!

My rib cage feels like there's two watermelons in each one .. ouch

My farts are horridly loud like I sometimes wake myself up with a scare!! Like hello where did you come from? What was that??? Did someone just break in??

I haven't pooped in about 4 days .. don't know where all that's food is going but it's going in and not coming out .. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I am forgetting everything , I put all my freezer shopping into the fridge.. 24 hours later nice puddles in my fridge and some defrosted food .. ace

My legs and floof have not been shaved since I got pregnant like i will need hedge trimmers when it comes to trying to break through all the hair .. grizzly angry pregnant lady is not very attractive apparently. I have grown a blonde beard??? And have hair on my belly?!! Why 🦍

But yeah pregnancy is a wonderful thing 😬 I can see why some woman think it's beautiful!! Certainly feel it with my extra 8 chins 😁

But no I am super appreciative and lucky and canna wait to see my girl but by god cannot wait to feel womanly again!!