Clearblue OPK

Sarah • Married, mama to Ezra 🌈 , Emilia 🌈,and 👼 👼 👼

So I have super irregular periods. Last was 54 days. Today is CD 31; and I was getting frustrated about CD 27 with no positives on these. Took one for the hell of it about an hour ago and a smiley face!! Are these super accurate? I wish I would have tested the last few days to know if those were positive too. I hope I didn't miss it.

I was also using the easy @home and got what I thought was a positive around CD 26-27. Will post a pic of that as well. Which time did I ovulate? 😩 also important to note the day I did the cheapie one my clearblue was the open circle. but looked positive to me so I wasn't sure?

Safe to say I should BD?? Lol