Am I the only one not enjoying pregnancy?!

Erica • 26. Wife. Mama. All around bad ass.

So, let me start by saying I’m truly blessed and I know this but guuuhhhh I really am not having a great time.

I feel depressed half the time and if it’s not depression it’s raging anger. I feel unappreciated and overlooked in my marriage... I feel like I’m in some kind of nightmare where I have to repeat the entire thing every time I fall asleep.

I’m thousands of miles away from home and family and haven’t seen them for almost a year.

I just really want this pregnancy to be something I enjoy and can embrace but I feel like I’m trapped. I constantly have “you’re pregnant” as an excuse used against me. Like, why the hell is my body sabotaging this “joyous” moment for me?! Why is my husband so damn self centered and only focused on his needs?!

I’m done ranting