Silently stressing 😓


When do you guys like getting everything prepared and whatnot for the baby.? I’m only 14 wks pregnant, but I feel like there is so much to do. We want to re-do the bathroom (since we only have a shower and no tub). My husband wants to work on the garage for a storage space (to store everything that’s in the “going-to-be” nursery). And we have to do the nursery. I’m due about April 10th. It’s early, so we all know that can change or the baby could come early or whatever. So I’d like everything done by the end of February. That’s like only 4 months. 😭😭. I like planning and being prepared, yet my husband is the opposite. I feel like all of this worrying and stress isn’t good, but I don’t know what to do. 😖