advice needed😢


Okay so, long story short, I'm on the birth control pill and 3 weeks ago my boyfriend and I were on vacation, I took my pill normally. I didn't miss any and I wasn't late taking them either, but the day we left I finished a round of antibiotics for a ear infection I had and I'm just wondering if anyone knows if certain medicines can wreck the effectiveness of the pill. I was due for my period on Friday so I am officially 3 almost 4 days late. I had some normal PMS symptoms but no period. I also took a test tonight but it came back negative. I'm really hoping that me stressing about it is what causing me to be late. my boyfriend and I have been together 4 years and were both adults so I know we can make it work if I am pregnant but I'm really hoping at this point I get my period soon. any advice?? should I take another text in a few days? Any way to calm the anxiety of possibly being pregnant for the first time??