Can anybody explain this?


I just woke up. I had one of the worst nightmares a girl could ever have. My body literally is numb right now and I'm here speechless and motionless, and I just have no words for the nightmare I had I don't know why I had that dream , I don't know where it came from, but it's not good.. it was that my ex pissed my mom and I off so bad that we moved out, and somebody was in my moms truck with the doors open at night time. I said ma.. why is the doors open, she goes I don't know baby, where's your knife in case? So I grabbed it, and she goes crawl. So I did, and she goes to her side, and goes why are you in my truck. The person goes huh? She goes, why. Are . You. In . My. Truck? And soon as I hear truck. I hear a bang, my mom starts crying and drops to the floor. I scream, grab a gun & shoot the guy as many times as the magazine will go & run to my mom screaming and she's already gone. She's lifeless laying in my arms and I just keep shooting that guy. I've never breathed so hard in my life, it's like I couldn't fucking wake up and that was the worst part . I can't stand this anymore it's tearing me apart and I don't know where the idea is coming from. I can't figure it out. I haven't been sleeping my normal patterns, maybe it's this nightmare building up & my body showing no signs of it? 😒 I just need somebody please . I shot up out of bed and forgot my man wasn't with me so I couldn't hug him . I just hugged a body pillow he laid next to yesterday & it smells like him now. I need help ladies