Daughters birthday is today

Today is my daughter's birthdays she has turned 2 when people told me to enjoy the little moments with her I didn't know why it seamed to.me that I would have plenty of time to enjoy her first year but I honestly wish I could go back and give birth to her all over again and cherish the moments I had with her as a newborn she is getting so big every day and I just wish I could slow time down and watch her for hours, birthdays are so special but we never realize it is a time to celebrate the birth of a person that you know or love ,I love my daughter so much and even though I had her young I wouldn't change a thing about her, it.is not until we have a child of our own or are trying for a child that we realize how Much our mothers must have loved us to give birth to us,to hold us in there womb for months with discomfort they could have removed by easily removing us from them as a fetus. So cherish the days you have with family and friends and take the small moments to realize how much you love them. This is my daughter Sophia Ann(learn more on Glow: https://glowing.com)