36 weeks today and I randomly cry over giving birth again. Anyone else?


Seriously, I swear I suffer from PTSD from my first baby and that was 7 years ago. I am so afraid of giving birth, I dream about dieing during child birth and my fiance is supportive but he has no idea why I feel so worried. He hasn't experienced a baby's birth in 14 years and his ex had an uneventful birth. My first baby, I was induced with pitocin spent 8.5 hours in labor before needing an emergency c-Section because her heart beat was unstable. My Daughter was born with a small hole in her heart, which closed up by the time she was two but the whole experience was traumatizing. My baby would've died if I would have given birth naturally and that's also laying on my conscience. Please tell me how to cope with these fears? We've done the maternity ward tour but it hasn't really helped. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.