Hundreds of miles from home


I write this post sitting in my hotel bed in Buckhead; Traveling on business hundreds of miles away from home. Two weeks ago, my husband and I decided we were going to start trying for a baby. Reading countless posts about how long it takes to actually get pregnant, and truly not feeling any of the symptoms, I packed my rollerbag full of tampons and was prepared to get my period today. Cramping up a storm and feeling bloated, I was sure today AF was coming with a vengeance. She's one accurate S.O.B. so you can imagine my concern when she didn't show... Between meetings and appointments, I headed to the pharmacy to pick up my very firsrt "Pee-on-a-stick" kit, and decided to wait until I was in the privacy of my own hotel room to finally test. To my very SERIOUS surprise... you guessed it... I'm Pregnant! First I waited for it to say "jk, Not!" and when that didn't happen, I cried and then took this picture.

I sent that picture to my best friend and she called me right away. Now I'm pondering, not only what to eat because I'm Famished, but how in the world I am going to wait 4 more days to get home and tell my husband. And more importantly HOW to tell him?! I'm excited, nervous, scared, thrilled, bummed I can't drink my wine anymore, and a whole slew of emotions over here. I can not believe it happened so fast!