kissing my child on the mouth


My son is almost 1 years old. today we went to a close family friends memorial. there were lots of people there I didn't know, but were friends with my siblings. my son is fairly friendly and was crawling around being social. This one girl/ lady was very into him playing on the floor ect. I didn't think anything of it bc everyone loves babies; but off course kept a close eye. about an hour in my son was letting her hold him, i didn't mind I was there. then I saw her with her face close to his and kinda kissed his cheek. I was a bit weirded out but not overly concerned. Then I saw her kiss him on the lips (mouth). That i was not ok with. I grabbed him from her and kinda walked away as to not make a scene. My sister and husband didn't seem to think anything was wrong with that. said he's a baby people like babies. what is everyone's opinion. I did not know this person prior to today and she kissed my child on the mouth twice. I don't think anyone should be kissing someone's child like that. (everyone was drinking so maybe she was buzzed but I'm still not ok with it) was I being overly protective?