MIL trying to tell me what to do and I'm getting pissed

Cassity • Laila 05/15/17, Xander 4/10/18, and Grace 11/06/2019

Let me start by saying my MIL doesn't like my OB. She actually had the same OB when she was pregnant with one of my husband's sisters. The baby had a heart condition that my OB didn't catch until it was too late so she ended up losing that baby. So that's why she hates my OB. She's told me several times that I need to switch OBs simply because she doesn't like her. I told her that it's not her decision and that I'm not switching. So the other day I went over to her house to help her with some things. She mentioned that she thinks I should get induced when it's time. I told her no I don't want to get induced and that I want it to happen naturally if I'm able to. Obviously it's ultimately the baby's decision. Then she got real defensive and said "why not that's stupid of you. I was induced with all of my kids". Again I told her I don't want to be induced if I don't have to. Then she went on to say that I am way too far away from the hospital and I need to find a different one that's closer. I live 40 minutes away from the hospital. I seriously doubt that within 40 minutes the baby will be here. Most people are in labor for hours before they finally give birth. When I gave birth to my angel baby I was in labor for four hours so I think I'll be fine being 40 minutes away. Then she got defensive after I told her no I'm not switching hospitals. This is my decision. This baby is in my belly not hers so she doesn't need to be making these decisions. I'm trying to be polite but she just won't stop. Aside from making these decisions, she has also said some very rude things. I remember when I was 10 weeks I had an ultrasound and I was really nervous since I miscarried in May and was petrified of seeing no heartbeat. After the ultrasound I told her the baby was moving all around like it was dancing and she said, "That doesn't matter my baby used to move around and she ended up not making it" That really hurt my feelings to be honest with you. Then I told her the names we picked out. If it's a girl it's gonna be Grace and if it's a boy it's gonna be Lucas. She straight up told me I will not be naming my baby boy Lucas. And for some reason she had an issue with Grace so I'm just at my wits end. I don't know what I'm gonna do especially with these hormones I'm gonna explode and say something very rude things. Idk whats up with my husband's family lately but his grandmother who's typically very nice to me has been getting very bitchy lately and I'm having a hard time holding my tongue. For example the other day I had to borrow her rug shampooer. I didn't end up using it my husband did. We have dogs so there was a lot of dog hair that got picked up from the shampooer. My husband didn't end up cleaning it because she was demanding we bring it back that night. We were so busy that when we finally had a chance to bring it back it was 930 at night and my husband completely forgot to clean the dog hair.(we were moving and we were soooo busy you don't even know) So anyways we dropped off the shampooer and went over the next day. She gave me the worst attitude and said to my husband (with me standing right there) "She's pregnant not disabled this is fucking ridiculous" She was talking about me not cleaning the shampooer even though I wasn't the one who used it and I even asked my husband to clean it real quick while I was busy doing something else but he forgot obviously. She got lippy with me and I said "Well SHE'S not the one that used it so SHE isn't going to clean it. SHE was busy doing other stuff". She gave me the dirtiest look and said "That's no fucking excuse!" I understand we should have cleaned it up before we returned it but she was being completely ridiculous about it blowing it out of proportion. AND bitching about us bringing it back right then and there. His family is really bring rude lately and I'm the type of person to say whatever I want to say without caring who likes it but I'm trying not to be rude. It's not gonna be long before I lose my shit on these people. Sorry this is so damn long I'm just so frustrated and need to rant