Baby Hitting 😭😭😭


How in gods name do I get my ten month old to stop beating the shit out of everyone? He’s never seen any kind of violence, except his one baby friend tends to hit him, not in a mean way but he’s just a flappy kid. MY child will come over to me while I’m sitting down and suddenly attack me with 10 hard slaps and they HURT! He’s also recently realized it’s also funny to pick up heavy toys and smash those into peoples faces. It’s definitely deliberate, he thinks it’s funny, and he does it more the more I react to it, but it’s getting pretty out of control, I’ve had more than one bruise, black eye and face gash and I’m at a loss for how to solve this 😭

We’ve tried time out facing away from us, we’ve tried stern “no”s, we’ve tried ignoring it, we’ve tried telling him to be nice, soft or gentle in a positive tone. He either keeps hitting, or laughs.

Right now I’m hiding on the stairs behind the baby gate while he’s attacking the gate with his sippy cup because it’s the only place in the room he can’t reach, he’ll get mad and cry eventually, but as soon as I pick him up he’ll punch me 😭