Implantation bleeding or my period

I am confused to whether I have implantation bleeding or my period. I have been bleeding since yesterday the 11th of October and still am today. I am due my period tomorrow The 13th October. I am worried as if it's my period it feels very light to me. I also have severe cramps and the blood is either light and constant or I have to wipe to see blood. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend around my time of ovulation 27/29th of september he did not ejaculate in me but I still got the morning after pill on the 30th of September to be sure. I also had unprotected sex a few more times leading up to this bleed but not once did he ejaculate in me.  Could it just be the emergency contraceptive I used making my period strange or could this possibly be implantation bleeding? I used 2 tampons today and when I took them out they both had blood on them to the point where the tampon did expand abit but not the full way I am very worried please help! 

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Posted at
No doubt that a period


Posted at
That’s a period.


Posted at
Period for sure.