IUD at eighteen?


So, I've been with my current boyfriend for two months and we feel ready to finally have sex. However, since I'm a scaredy cat and I tend to be really paranoid, I wouldn't want to rely solely on condoms as a form of birth control. That's why, after a quick search, I've decided the copper IUD would be the best for me. The thing is, I'm eighteen and all the gynecologists I've been to tell me I'm too young and that I should use a hormonal method.

I've been on the pill before due to hormonal issues related to my severe acne, but it didn't go nearly as smoothly as I had predicted. I gained 3 Kilos in five months, my cellulitis got even worse and I couldn't even go to school because of the migraines. It was the worst. Urgh.

The idea of taking hormones doesn't sit well with me and besides, I've recently lost 18 pounds thanks to a healthy diet and a lot of exercise and I'm scared shitless of going back to my original weight, since my mom has fat shamed me since I was 10. Basically, I don't want to thwart my efforts.

So, do you think I'm too young to get an IUD? Any advice?

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