I want to test but hubby says no

So today I’m 3 days late. I know the chances of us falling this month are slim because I had surgery on the day I ovulated, but we did DTD several times that week, so I feel like there’s a small chance. I want to test but he wants me to wait a few more days. I can’t say I have symptoms. I’ve had a few cramps but nothing to suggest AF (I’m normally doubled over with AF). I had thrush, but I think that was surgery related tbh. And my BBT and HR are higher than usual, though I haven’t really been tracking (I remember from when I tracked cycles for over a year, my bbt never went above 36.6 and today it’s 36.8)

What do you reckon? Worth waiting or just test anyway?

EDIT: I tested without telling him, and it was negative, and now I’m bummed out. So he was right, but I’m not about to let him know that! 😂