Positive Opk this morning?

Jane • Claire 👧🏻 9/2012, Ruby👼🏻MC@19wks 7/2018, Arthur👼🏻MC@15.6wks 10/2019

Took Clomid on days 3-7 this cycle. Today is cycle day 13. I took it in the early AM will this effect the result? Sleeping is the only time I can go long enough between bathroom trips. We’ve been trying for a 18 cycles, this is Clomid cycle 2, started with a period. Last cycle no positive opk because I apparently ovulated as I was taking it. That was a confusing cycle. To me this looks like I caught the peak of my LH surge, what do you ladies think?

Ive been taking Clomid because I’m not ovulating properly, very long cycles.

Update: I got another dark positive around 3:30 in the afternoon (same day), and later in the night had some pretty intense ovary pain on both sides. Don’t know if that was from actual ovulation. Hopefully this is all a good sign and leads to a BFP finally!

Baby dust to everyone!!!!!