Sex Drive S.O.S


So, my fiancé is always extremely horny, pretty much every day. If he could have sex with me 3 times a day he would. I am a whole other story. I have NO SEX DRIVE! I never initiate sex, I never feel the urge to have sex or masturbate, I always just pretty much have sex whenever my fiancé wants to. I definitely ENJOY sex, a lot. And I think my fiancé is the greatest, sexiest and most wonderful man on the planet. I am super attracted to him, but I always just want to snuggle and kiss and for some reason I am never like “LETS HAVE SEX!” Like he always is.

I am a bit self conscious of my body even though I know he loves me curves and all. I just have no idea what is wrong with me, I feel like I should want sex. And it is hurting our relationship a little because I feel awful I am never horny while my fiancé always is. It’s not a huge strain on our relationship, but I feel awful about it and he gets a little frustrated understandably sometimes as do I. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me get a sex drive?

A little background on me idk if any of these could be related but I have had a UTI for 3 years I can’t get rid of because medicine never worked and now I have no money or insurance. Also, been to the doctor about extremely heavy painful long and irregular periods every month and they said “meh your fine”. And I also have a history with my ex raping me. Idk if any of these could be factors? I just want to be a horny lady....